
Sitting on the floor at Esalen in coaching training, I shared how confidence in my writing had dropped and imposter syndrome set in. I had been writing and publishing blog posts every month or so. It took some confidence…
I have been struggling to figure out what to do during this crisis. In many ways, I am fortunate. I have my health, my job, a safe and secure living situation, and companionship. The world is undoubtedly troubled…
Making tough decisions with compassion requires taking full responsibility for the choices you make and their consequences. Recently, when facing a tough situation, I found myself not living up to my expectations, and I was doing something that I…
As we wake up in a new year and new decade, we may have resolutions that we created out of excitement that now seem daunting. There is a lot of great advice on how to develop and maintain habits:…
Humans are natural storytellers and in many ways telling stories is what makes us human. Stories help us make sense of the experiences of our lives. Stories create an emotional connection to events and facts — they give meaning to the…

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